Metal dry bath nitrogen generator

what is nitrogen evaporator

The nitrogen evaporator, also known as Termovap Sample Concentrator, nitrogen sweeping device, nitrogen blowing concentration device, or sample concentration device, is abbreviated as a nitrogen blowing device, nitrogen blowing device, or concentration device. Usually, nitrogen is blown into the surface of the heated sample for sample concentration, which is time-saving, easy to operate, and easy to control, and can quickly obtain the expected results. Widely used in industries such as pesticide residue analysis, commercial inspection, food, environment, pharmaceuticals, and biological products, as well as in sample preparation for liquid phase, gas phase, and mass spectrometry analysis.

Application of nitrogen evaporator

It has played a practical role in pharmaceuticals, food safety, especially in infant and toddler dairy products, medical testing, and pesticide residues, providing a time-saving and efficient platform for sample preparation and processing in analytical methods such as gas chromatography (GC) and liquid chromatography (HPLC). It is the best supporting equipment for solid-phase extraction technology.

Main classification of nitrogen evaporator

  1. According to the structure of the instrument heating tank, it can be divided into square and circular nitrogen blowing instruments
  2. According to the heating method of the instrument, it can be divided into metal dry bath and water bath nitrogen blowing instruments


(1) Do not use a nitrogen blower for substances with a ignition point below 100 ℃.
(2) When using a nitrogen blower, hands and eyes should be protected.
(3) The nitrogen blower should be used in a fume hood to ensure good ventilation.
(4) Do not move the nitrogen blower during heating to prevent burns.
(5) Use a three wire grounded power supply.
(6) Do not open the water bath shell with electricity to prevent electric shock.
(7) The maintenance of the nitrogen blowing instrument should be carried out by professional personnel or directly by the manufacturer. Improper replacement of components may cause damage to the nitrogen blowing instrument or create safety hazards.
(8) Do not use a nitrogen blower for highly flammable substances such as petroleum ether.
(9) Do not use acidic or alkaline substances, otherwise it will damage the nitrogen blowing instrument. [2]